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Making your own baby food

Your homemade brand of baby food is a tasty alternative to the shop-bought varieties. Here's how to get started.

Invest in the basics

You'll need a blender or a food processor, a chopping knife and ice-cube trays if you want to freeze extra batches.

Keep it clean

Your baby's immune system is still developing, so wash and scrub fruits and veggies before cooking them. Keep a clean preparation surface and store food properly. Throw away leftovers from your baby's bowl.

Cook what you eat

If you're having sweet potatoes with your fish dinner, throw another sweet potato in the oven for your baby. Your child's portion doesn't need seasoning, and serve it lukewarm (and mashed for smaller babies) so it doesn't burn her mouth. Not all your food is suitable for your baby: wait until she's a bit older before serving spinach, beetroot, turnips, carrots and kale.

Start small

Introduce one food at a time. Waiting at least two or three days before you introduce another helps you to monitor for possible allergic reactions.

Try these proven favourites to delight your little one's taste buds:

Apples and pears

Peel, core and then bake or steam. Purée until smooth and serve.

Green banana

Peel a ripe banana and an avocado. Mash together until smooth (no need to cook!).

If your baby doesn't take to solids right away, don't worry too much: your breast milk or formula is her primary source of nutrition for the first year anyway. For now, just enjoy introducing her to the wonderful world of food.

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