4 weeks pregnant
4 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Hey mom-to-be, the very first cue of a newborn's arrival in your life is your missed periods! If your cycle is regular, you would have got your periods after 4 weeks of your last period. But you didn't, and it's already been 4 weeks, you took your test, and it's positive – congratulations! At 4 weeks pregnant, your baby is an embryo with the size of poppy seeds that is just 0.04 inches.
We know that you have been excited since you got the news, and you want to know it all about being pregnant. But, take a deep breath would-be mom, stay calm and let's do this one step at a time! For starters, read on to know the progress so far, the symptoms you already experience or the ones that might be coming your way, and the dos and don'ts at 4 weeks of pregnancy.

4 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Before knowing what to do and what not to do for a healthy pregnancy, you need to know what is happening in your womb this week. So here is what happens behind the scenes:
Implantation - The fertilised egg in your uterus attaches to the lining of the uterine wall. This is called implantation. It usually takes place between the sixth and tenth day after ovulation. At this stage, if it wasn't for your missed periods, you wouldn't even know that you're pregnant. During implantation, you may notice slight spotting or bleeding that occurs as a result of bundles of cells attaching to the uterine wall. Usually, the bleeding is negligible and might be light pink, light red or light brown. You can easily mistake implantation bleeding with spotting, as it occurs earlier than your expected period.
Early development - After implantation, the fertilised egg will divide itself into layers of cells and then officially convert into an embryo. These cells will then grow into the nervous system, skeleton, muscles, and organs throughout the pregnancy, forming your little one's body.
Support system under construction - The placenta is a disc-like organ that connects your body's systems to your baby's. In this week, the placenta starts forming and attaching to the uterine wall where the egg is implanted. Simultaneously, the yolk sac is developing too that will be responsible for producing blood cells until your baby's liver grows enough to do so. This yolk sac will disappear at the end of the first trimester when your baby's liver and placenta will grow enough to take over.
From one side of the placenta, the umbilical cord starts coming out, and the amniotic fluid begins forming within an encircling membrane sac. This amniotic fluid will cushion your baby throughout the pregnancy.
Home Pregnancy Test - You might have taken a home pregnancy test, and the result might have displayed a positive, thanks to the hormone HCG. This hormone released by the placenta is also responsible for morning sickness that most pregnant women experience in the first trimester.
Although most home pregnancy tests are accurate, and by the 4th week, your test should show a positive result if you're pregnant, false negatives can occur at times. So, if you suspect you are pregnant and have missed your period, but your home pregnancy test shows negative, it would be best to consult your doctor.
Ultrasound Scan at 4th Week of Pregnancy
During the 4 weeks pregnant ultrasound scan, you would see a tiny black dot that will be the gestational sac within the uterus lining. You would also notice the embryo, which is practically microscopic.
Precautions & Tips at 4th Week of Pregnancy
The good news can be overwhelming and stressful at the same time, so make sure you take time to care for yourself.
Eat, exercise, rest – repeat!
The key is to eat well, stay hydrated, add some basic exercises to your routine and rest enough. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a healthy diet and drink a lot of water and juices to keep yourself hydrated. Start exercising if you don't already to keep yourself fit and active, as it will keep you and your baby healthy. This way, you will also be able to combat fatigue and mood changes.
Vitamins are vital for health
As your baby continues to grow and develop, what you eat or drink impacts his development. Make sure you drink milk, orange juice, and soak in some morning sun to get vitamin D. But since enough nutrients can't be sourced through the food you eat, you will have to take additional supplements as per your doctor's prescription. Mostly, he will recommend you take folic acid (Vitamin B9) and prenatal vitamins like B12, C, D, and E. These vitamins are quite essential for you and your baby.
Say no to caffeine, alcohol and smoke
Caffeine, alcohol and smoking can lead to complications, so it is best to avoid them as soon as you find out about expecting a baby. You don't smoke? Good! But what about that second-hand smoke? If you have a partner or people around you who smoke, there could still be risks to your baby's health. So, your partner might need to quit, too!
Did you calculate your due date yet?
Generally, a normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks or 280 days. You can calculate your due date manually using the first day of your last menstrual period. Say, for example, if you have a regular 28 days cycle and your first date of last period was January 1, 2021, add 7 days to it – January 8, 2021. Then subtract 3 months from it that is October 8, 2020 and change the year to next year. In this case, it will be October 8, 2021 – your due date.
Now we know, although it's not quantum physics, it is still math with a lot of dates. So, if you are someone who prefers a short-cut, try out our Pampers Pregnancy Due Date Calculator and find out your baby's birth date quickly and easily. The result is a rough estimate, depending on the values you entered. However, it is normal to give birth a week or two before or after your estimated due date. Your doctor will be the best person to give you an accurate due date in your next prenatal visit.
Make friends with different comfort food
With morning sickness troubling you around the week, sticking to one comfort food like crackers can may you feel sicker. So, if you're done with one comfort food, it is always a good idea to switch to another like bananas or bland, easy-to-digest ginger cookies, etc.
Combat food aversions smartly
We understand the feels when food aversions strike! But you can't give up on foods with vital nutrients so easily. A smart way is to substitute that food with its nutrient-rich alternatives. Say, for example, if eggs are making you feel sick, try replacing them with other protein sources like nuts, beans, grains, or legumes.
Booked your prenatal appointment yet?
If you haven't chosen an ob-gyn yet, now is the right time. If you have a doctor already, fix an appointment for your first prenatal visit soon. Although some doctors consider it best to wait until 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy before a prenatal visit, early prenatal care is important too. So, make sure you do your research well before selecting the doctor.
Have you shared the news?
Hey would-be mom, have you broken the good news to would-be dad yet? Let him know about the little wonder's arrival in your life so that he can accompany you in all the milestones going forward. Sharing the news with family and friends is a personal decision. Most women wait until the second trimester to share the news. However, if you wish to involve family and friends in your happiness, go ahead – they'll be as excited as you to know about the little one.
We hope that this article helped you gain some insights into the initial phase of your pregnancy. Get week-by-week pregnancy expert tips to track your baby's development and ensure the well-being of both you and your baby during the nine months journey!
Frequently Asked Questions
The most common 4 weeks pregnant symptoms that you might experience include fatigue, sore breasts, frequent urination, and nausea. However, not all women experience these symptoms, and some may even feel fine and nothing unusual during this week of pregnancy.