6 Months Pregnant: Symptoms & Fetal Development

Congratulations, you're in the sixth month of pregnancy – only 1 trimester to go! Despite the excitement and energy, the pregnancy symptoms might pull you down at times.

But we've got good news! The shape of the foetus in the sixth month would be more human-like, measuring about 8-9 inches from crown to rump. Your baby is developing with great speed as he prepares himself for a grand entry. Want to know more in detail about this month? Read on!

Common Pregnancy Symptoms

At 6 months pregnant, along with the previous pregnancy symptoms, you might also experience some of the new ones that include:


As the pregnancy hormones get busy relaxing the valve between your stomach and oesophagus, it leads to the stomach acids leaking into the oesophagus. This causes an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest. Eat smaller meals throughout the day (e.g. six smaller instead of three larger meals). Avoid chocolate and foods that are spicy, citrusy or fried.


When you are pregnant in the sixth month, your tummy continues to grow. This additional weight gain starts putting more strain on your back muscles, causing lower back pain. Try a soothing, warm bath. However, if you still experience pain, talk to your doctor about pain medications that are safe for you to take.

Hot flashes

If you have been exercising and burning more calories, you might experience this symptom occasionally. If you feel uncomfortable and sweaty, try staying hydrated, wearing loose-fitting clothes, and using a portable fan.


Your circulation changes during pregnancy, possibly leading to lesser blood flow to your upper body and head. If you feel dizzy, try changing positions slowly, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding standing for long durations.

Leg cramps

You might experience cramping in your lower legs, especially at night. Try exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and massaging your calf muscles before going to bed. When the cramps strike, consider taking a warm bath, applying an ice pack, or stretching the muscle.

Fast heartbeat

Your excitement of meeting your little one can increase your heartbeat a little more than usual. However, it is quite normal during pregnancy. This happens because your heart now has to supply double the amount of blood to your body than it used to before. If you experience an increased heart rate for a longer duration or difficulty breathing, consult your doctor.

6 Months Pregnant: Baby Development

Pregnancy in the sixth month is full of excitement as most moms-to-be experience their baby's kicks, rolls, jabs, and punches. So, if you haven't felt those tiny kicks yet, be ready to experience them anytime soon. Although you don't have to count those kicks until the 28th week, pay attention to the general pattern of when your baby is most active.

By the end of this month, your baby would measure up to 8 to 9 inches and weigh around 450 to 900 gms. Your baby's lungs are completely formed; however, they are not ready entirely to function in the outside world. Also, your baby's sucking reflex has improved, and he can move those eyeballs behind his shut eyelids. Moreover, your baby's fingerprints and toe prints have developed. When active, your baby might respond to loud noises from the outside world or even your voice by making movements.

Track your baby's development with our month-on-month expert tips on pregnancy.

6-Month Pregnancy Checklist

Here are some quick precautions and tips that might come in handy:

  • Handle bodily changes: As your belly grows, standing for long or trying to find the best sleeping position can make you uncomfortable. While sleeping or sitting, keep your feet elevated and use a pillow for support. As your skin stretches, it can become itchy — keep applying moisturiser throughout the day. If you notice any severe swelling on your face, feet, ankles, and hands, speak to your doctor immediately.

  • Baby proof your home: Once your baby arrives, you may not have enough time to proof your house for safety. Now is the time to set up a baby nursery and take care of the safety preparations. Install baby gates and childproof locks, store away sharp objects and hazardous stuff, and also secure furniture to the wall.

  • Install a car seat: Buy a newborn car seat and install it. You can also get help from a professional. Setting up a car seat will smoothen your baby's journey from the hospital to the home.

  • A birth plan: Speak to your doctor about a birth plan and inform him about your preferences. Ask questions about your options before you go into active labour. Birth plans usually include your position during labour, your choice of pain management, comfort measures like music during delivery, who will accompany you during delivery, who will cut the umbilical cord, etc.

  • Your baby shower: By now, your friends and family might have started planning your baby shower. You can share your ideas and expectations about the preferred theme and guest list. Make sure to enjoy your baby shower to the fullest, as it is going to be a wonderful memory.

  • Sign up for classes: Have you signed up for a birthing class yet? If not, now is the right time to search and sign up for one. Your partner can also join in to understand the birthing experience. Also, do not skip your prenatal classes.

  • Do some reading: Although you are taking prenatal classes, some of your questions might still remain unanswered. It is best to read up about childbirth and connect with other moms to understand their experiences.

  • Stay fit and healthy: Rest as much as you can whenever possible. Practice moderate exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet to stay fit. These habits will also help you stay strong during labour and delivery.

Start Babyproofing your Home and Car

Now's the time to think about, and make, safety preparations. This month, you can get a jump on babyproofing your home by setting up a safe nursery and tackling other big jobs as well. Once you have brought your baby home, you’ll have even less time, so now is a good time to install baby gates and childproof locks, put dangerous items out of reach, and anchor furniture (like drawers and dressers) to the wall.

It’s also important to babyproof your car. First and foremost, you’ll need to shop for an age-appropriate car seat. Once you choose one, get professional help installing it, so it’s all set for bringing your newborn home from the hospital.

Advice for Partners

Have you two discussed what happens when the baby arrives? 6 months is a great time to talk and set expectations about how you both will be adjusting the first few weeks at home after your newborn's arrival. It is important to discuss the postpartum care that your partner and baby will need. You can hire help or ask a family member to stay with you for a few months until the mom's recovery. Try helping at home with the household chores and assist the mom in taking care of the baby.

Before your little one arrives, participate in searching for a cute name for him or her along with your partner. Read up on parenting and also attend birthing classes with your partner.

Frequently Asked Questions

By 6 months, your baby will be rolling his eyes behind those closed eyelids. Your little one will now be able to respond to the noises from the outside world with kicks and punches.

Every pregnancy is different and unique, so go by your own experience. In case of any concerns, always feel free to reach out to your doctor. Time will fly sooner than you realise, so enjoy every bit of this wonderful journey.

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