8 weeks pregnant

Hey would-be mom! You're about to complete two months of your pregnancy. Your baby has come a long way in terms of development. Soon, your little one's growth will speed up, and in no time, you will have your bundle of joy in your arms. To know about your 8 weeks in detail, read on.

Development of 8-week Fetus

You're in the second month of your pregnancy, and there is a lot of work happening inside your belly. At this stage, your baby has grown to be about 0.5 to 0.6 inches in height and is about the size of a raspberry. Here's a glimpse of embryo development taking place this week:

  • Your baby now looks more human-like with eyelids, nose, and lips forming

  • She will have developed webbed hands, fingers, feet, and toes

  • Your little tot's heart beats at a rate of about 150 to 170 times per minute

  • Your baby's tiny trunk and limbs are now twitching, making voluntary movements

  • His digestive system and intestines are developing too, but due to lack of room inside the embryo, they move into the umbilical cord

  • Your baby's ears begin to develop outside her baby's head

  • Your little one's reproductive organs develop into either ovaries or testes.

8 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms

At 8 weeks pregnant, your symptoms will be in full swing. But, remember these symptoms are also inconsistent. Symptoms of other expecting mothers may not be similar to you. You may experience all of these symptoms or maybe nothing at all for now, and they might show up the next week.

Here's what you may experience:

Morning sickness

Nausea and vomiting might be troubling you right now, but these symptoms will soon subside by the second trimester. Relax, you're almost there! Munch on some crackers when you wake up and eat six smaller meals throughout the day.

Food and smell aversions

Suddenly some foods and smells that didn't affect you before may now seem troublesome. You might feel nauseous on seeing some foods or smelling some odours. This is normal and happens due to the increased pregnancy hormone levels. Worry not; your appetite will soon be back.


Eat healthy food and stay hydrated, as your digestive system will be more sensitive now. If you experience diarrhoea for more than a day or with any other symptoms, consult your doctor.

Frequent urination

Still, making those extra trips to the washroom? It's okay! You will experience this symptom time and again throughout your pregnancy. As your uterus expands, it puts pressure on your bladder, giving you nature's call.

Abdominal cramps

Your growing uterus can cause period-like cramps. However, if these cramps become severe, talk to your doctor to rule out problems.

Back pain

Your back muscles are working harder to accommodate your uterus, and this may cause pain around your lower back.


Feel exhausted? Blame the increasing progesterone levels! Grab some extra naps whenever you can. Listen to your body's needs and take it easy.

Trouble sleeping

Discomfort, frequent trips to the bathroom, and changing hormone levels can make it really difficult for you to have a good night's sleep. Listen to peaceful music, try drinking warm milk or taking a shower or hot water bath before going to bed. Lying on your left side may help, as it enhances blood circulation. Try placing a pillow between for knees for extra comfort.

Pregnancy at Eight Weeks: Things to Consider

While you're just settling in the news of being pregnant, you might be experiencing physical and emotional changes. Moreover, to avoid the last-minute panic, here are some things you might want to consider this week:

  • Time to shop: Get a few pieces of comfortable, stretchy clothes as your old ones might become a little tight by now. Avoid tight-fitting, body-hugging clothes and get the right bra size throughout the pregnancy.

  • Exercise regularly: If you haven't been exercising, now is the time to start. If you have been active before pregnancy, you can continue with light exercises with your doctor's approval.

  • Have you chosen a doctor yet? Good pregnancy care is vital, so make sure you choose the best doctor. You can look for options nearby your area and your insurance coverage. Talk to your friends and family for recommendations. Choose a doctor that you feel comfortable with, and don't forget to do a review check before making a choice.

  • Break the news: Whether to share the news of your pregnancy or not is a personal choice. Many expecting couples wait until the second trimester when the risk of miscarriage is much lower, while a few choose to tell their close friends and family right away.

  • Do some reading: Find some spare time this week to read up on some warning signs for pregnancy that you shouldn't miss. It will help you understand the symptoms of some of the possible complications. In case of any concerns, feel free to reach out to your doctor without any hesitation.

  • Start looking for baby names: Although your little's one gender is still a secret; doesn't mean you can't start looking for names. Decide on an alphabet, start searching for names, and shortlist some of the cutest ones for both – a girl and a boy. Keep adding names as you come across them before you eventually make a choice. You have many weeks to go.

  • Connect with other parents: Build a network of other would-be parents who are due around the same time as you in your area. You can join a forum or a social media group. You can also make friends with parents of babies or young children in your community that can guide and support you.

  • Feel the pressure already? Facing concerns or challenges around body image, weight, or control during pregnancy is normal; you're not alone! Remember, openly communicating and talking to your loved ones is the key. If you aren't comfortable, you can always consult a professional who can help you with the mental stress.

  • Call the doctor: Although pregnancy symptoms are quite common, keep an eye on what you're feeling and for how long you're feeling. If you experience any of the following, it is best to reach out to your doctor for advice and to rule out any serious conditions:

    • Pregnancy symptoms stop suddenly

    • Heavy bleeding that goes on for days

    • Extremely painful cramps or abdominal pain

    • Fever and pain while urinating

Precautions and Tips at 8 Weeks Pregnant

With pregnancy symptoms popping up, staying calm and comfortable can be challenging. We get you; you're not alone in this! The following tips might come in handy for you this week:

  • Handling headaches: As your pregnant belly at 8 weeks expands, you may experience pain above the neck. The increasing blood volume along with pregnancy hormones may incite headaches. Talk to your doctor for a medicine recommendation that is safe for you and your baby.

  • Squatting: Adding squats to your exercise routine may be a good idea, as it'll help strengthen and tone your thigh muscles. This can also be helpful during labour in helping the baby descend. Try holding the position for about 10 to 30 seconds. Repeat five times. Talk to your doctor before starting.

  • Moisturising is the key: A surge in pregnancy hormones can cause melasma on the face and skin. It darkens your skin, freckles, moles, and areolas. You will also notice a dark line around the centre of your abdomen called linea nigra. Make sure you wear a wide-brimmed hat and cover yourself well when out in the sun. Don't forget to slather on some SPF 30 to 50 before stepping out.

  • Tracking your weight: Try gaining weight gradually throughout your pregnancy. Plan to put on some average of kilograms each week. If you have morning sickness, you may not put on weight at all. As you enter the second or the third trimester, your weight gain will pick up some speed and will slow down as you near the ninth month.

  • Exercising: If you haven't been exercising, do not start with a bang, as it can lead to nausea, overheating or even injury. It'll make you feel tired and like quitting. So, ease into the exercise routine slowly. Try exercising for about 20 minutes in the beginning. You can do a 10-minute warm-up followed by 5-minutes of moderate exercise. And then use the last 5 minutes to cool down. You can increase the exercise by 5 minutes week after week until you reach the recommended target of a 150-minute exercise routine.

  • Eating light and healthy: Morning sickness can make eating difficult for you. So, start eating six small meals rather than three larger ones. Try nibbling on some whole-grain crackers (if your stomach approves, top it with some cheddar) and sipping on some ginger tea.

  • Choosing healthy carbs: Pick healthier complex carbohydrates that are beneficial for your baby's development and provide you with enough energy. Include fresh fruits and vegetables, dry fruits and nuts, whole-grain bread, cereals and crackers, baked potatoes with skin, dried beans and peas.

Ask Your Doctor

It's time for your first prenatal visit (if it hasn't happened already)! For now, these check-ups will be scheduled once a month and become more frequent in the last two months of your pregnancy. These check-ups give you the perfect opportunity to ask your doctor questions related to pregnancy and the baby's health. Here's what you can expect at your first prenatal visit:

  • History: Before starting the physical exam, your doctor will take a note of your medical history about pre-existing health conditions, psychological conditions, menstrual history, any past hospitalisations or pregnancies, any past illnesses or miscarriages or deliveries. He may also ask about your family's medical history to understand any possibility of chronic illnesses, genetic defects or chromosomal birth disorders.

  • Physical exam and tests: Your doctor will recommend you get a blood and urine test done to confirm your pregnancy. It will also help him identify your blood type, Rh factor, a UTI, anaemia, any STDs, immunity to infections, etc. He will check your blood pressure, height and weight. There might also be a breast and pelvic exam along with a pap test in case you haven't done it recently.

  • Ultrasound: 8 weeks pregnant ultrasound isn't compulsory, so it depends on your doctor whether you will have one or not. Plus, some insurance plans cover only a certain number of ultrasounds, so it's better to pass on this one until recommended.

  • Questions to ask: Regular check-ups are perfect for getting your doubts and concerns clarified. Here are some topics on which that you might want to ask questions to your doctor:

    • Getting vivid dreams during pregnancy

    • Travelling during pregnancy and the best time to do so

    • Ways to sleep better and undisturbed at night

    • Reaching out to the doctor between appointments

    • Recommended or required prenatal tests and their schedule.

As you enter the last month of this trimester, your uterus will continue to grow, surging your hormonal levels. But there's nothing to worry about as everything you feel will be a part of your pregnancy. So, don't forget to enjoy all the happy moments and embrace this journey.

Track your baby's development with our week-by-week expert tips on pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions

You have completed two months of your pregnancy and you would be entering third month in your 8th week of pregnancy.

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