9 weeks pregnant
9 weeks of pregnancy brings along a lot of new changes in your baby's development along with some in your lifestyle. By this week, your little one will be about the size of a cherry, measuring about 0.6 to 0.7 inches in height and weighing about 3 to 3.5 gms.
Excited to know more? Continue reading!
Your Baby at 9 Weeks
Your baby is transforming from an embryo to a foetus and is growing and developing rapidly. At this stage, your baby will look more human-like as his physical features and organs continue to develop. Here's what your baby's growth looks like this week:
What's in the looks?
Your little one's body is straightening, and there's no trail of that embryonic tail anymore. His paddle-like hands and feet have started transforming into tiny fingers and toes. Your baby's ear lobes have developed, and the tip of his nose is also now visible. His eyelids have started taking shape, covering most of his eyes.
Vital organs in place
Your tiny tot's heart and the arterial system is developing, and his sternum and rib bones are taking shape. Moreover, the pancreas, liver and bile ducts are forming too.
Wiggly baby
You may not feel those punches and moves yet, but your little one is quite active inside. If you get an ultrasound done this week, you will notice your baby moving around, bending and wiggling.
Heart beats like a drum
Your baby's heart is almost developed and grown enough to beat loudly. You can hear these beats through a Doppler, which is a handheld ultrasound device known to amplify the lub-dubs of your baby's heart. If your shy baby has his back toward your belly, it can be hard to pick up the sound of his heartbeat through a Doppler.
9 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms
At 9 weeks pregnant, most of your symptoms would continue from the past week with only a few new symptoms popping up. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so not all expecting moms feel the symptoms in specific weeks. For some, the symptoms appear in weeks ahead, and for others, no symptoms occur at all. Here's what you might experience:
Slight spotting in your first trimester is quite normal. If you notice a heavy blood flow or any other symptoms along with it, call your doctor.
Growing waistline
Although your 9 weeks pregnant belly may not have a rounded look, the clothes you wore before getting pregnant will now feel a little snug, thanks to a combination of a growing waistline and some bloating caused due to pregnancy hormones.
Mild cramping
As your body is rapidly changing, you might experience mild abdominal or uterine cramping. If the cramping becomes severe, or you experience lower back pain along with it, make sure to contact your doctor for advice.
Hunger pangs
It is normal to feel hungrier than usual now. So, make sure to nibble on some snacks, but note that you only need to include about 300 calories in your daily intake. You can eat fruits, cereals, and yoghurt when hungry in between meals.
Mood swings
Feel on cloud nine a minute and then doomed the next? We know this one! Thanks to the pregnancy hormones, changes in the mood is totally alright during pregnancy. When you feel low, speak to your loved ones and open up about your feelings, as it may help you feel better. If you experience severe mood swings, consult your doctor.
Had clean skin before but is now showing some acne? Worry not! It's just a pregnancy symptom. Keep in mind that it's all because of the pesky hormonal changes, and your skin should clear up and be back to normal after pregnancy. Read through our article on pregnancy acne to understand how to combat spots and blemishes.
Things to Consider at Nine Weeks Pregnant
This week can be more of emotions with changing moods. However, irrespective of what you feel, taking care of yourself is essential. Here are some things you need to consider during this week:
Comfortable maternity garments: Keep a check on your bra size and get yourself fitted regularly to stay comfortable. You might have to shop for some supportive maternity undergarments now or in the upcoming weeks.
Spill the beans: If you haven't shared the news of your pregnancy, try some fun ways to share it with your partner. You can do so through a cake with a hint written using frosting or making your pet wear an announcement tag.
Watch out for the extra caffeine: Keep an eye on your daily caffeine intake. This includes coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate – so make sure you limit the intake to 200 mg daily.
Plan your finances: Your upcoming months may have a few pregnancy-related expenses, be it the hospital bills or shopping for the baby gear. It is best to set a budget for these expenses. You can speak to other parents in your network for tips on planning your budget, what is necessary to buy and what isn't, where and how you can save extra on those must-have purchases. Also, speak to your doctor about the free or discounted resources available in your locality.
No bump: Your baby bump isn't showing yet? Don't be surprised! Most expecting mothers start showing only after 13 weeks.
Precautions and Tips at 9 Weeks Pregnant
While certain pregnancy symptoms will be at peek this week, you can always find ways to combat them. Here are some tips that might come in handy for you this week:
Handle heartburn: Heartburn is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. Avoid spicy and greasy foods. If you still experience burns, consult your doctor for antacids.
Know about genetic tests: If you have any family history of genetic conditions or your age is 35 or more, talk to your doctor about the genetic screening tests. These include non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), which is done after 9 weeks and chorionic villus sampling (CVS), which is done between 10 and 13 weeks.
Sleep well: Your growing belly may make it uncomfortable for you to sleep well. Try switching positions - preferably on your left side -as it increases the blood flow and nutrients to your placenta. Moreover, it puts less pressure on your vena cava and enhances kidney function.
Eat those fibres: Your body needs 25 to 35 gms of fibre daily. So, make sure you include whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, and peas in your everyday diet. It is best to avoid white rice and bread, refined cereals, and pasta.
Get creative: You will soon be entering the fashion limbo. At the moment, your jeans might feel too tight, but maternity clothes feel too loose. Try tying a rubber band around your jeans button – through the buttonhole and again around the button. If you're wearing a skirt, keep it partially unzipped in the back. Wear a long blouse, sweater, jacket or shrug to hide it. If you've been a fashionista, don't sacrifice your style – instead, pick something that is cute and fits you comfortably.
Prevent constipation: It's not just the pregnancy hormones to be blamed here. Most of the supplements containing iron can lead to constipation too. Speak to your doctor about the alternatives for such iron-free prenatal vitamins. Exercise regularly, practise yoga and do brisk walking to get things moving quickly.
Keep things moving: To keep things moving inside your stomach and to avoid indigestion, stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink lots of water, juice and broth daily. Warm liquids can be quite helpful.
Take care of breasts: Sore and itchy breasts are another common pregnancy symptom. Avoid hot showers, skin-drying soaps, and skin-irritating detergents or fabrics. Apply moisturiser throughout the day.
Start a journal: Got a lot of thoughts bottling up? Penning down your thoughts and feelings can be of great help. Maintain a journal where you can write down your symptoms, pregnancy-related questions, and the bodily changes you might experience. Take along your journal to every prenatal visit. You can also note down what happens at every prenatal appointment. This makes for a wonderful keepsake to look back on in the future.
Ask Your Doctor
Asking pregnancy-related questions that concern you is very much essential to avoid doubts and misconceptions. Feel free to reach out to your doctor between the prenatal visits or maintain a list of questions that pop up in your head and take them along to every prenatal visit. Here are some common topics that you might want to discuss with your doctor at this visit:
Ultrasound: 9 weeks pregnant ultrasound is specific to individual pregnancy. Depending on your condition and symptoms, you may or may not have this ultrasound. Talk to your doctor to find out whether you will have one this week.
Vaginal odour: During pregnancy, you're more susceptible to vaginal infections. If you notice anything unusual down there or experience a foul or weird odour, get it checked through your doctor.
Hunger pangs, right nutrients, etc.: Feel hungrier than usual? Although it's normal in pregnancy, talk to your doctor for advice to avoid gaining unhealthy weight. If you aren't able to keep food or liquids in your stomach due to morning sickness, ask for advice on medications that can help. Also, talk to your doctor about the right amounts of nutrients your body needs.
Genetic tests: Ask your doctor if you require to take any genetic tests to rule out any risks or genetic conditions for your baby's health.
Currently, you might be feeling a mix of excitement, anxiety, relief, fear, happiness, and uncertainty. Relax! It's all normal. Pregnancy is quite a life adjustment, and things will soon fall in place as you move ahead in this journey. Till then, embrace and try enjoying every moment of your pregnancy.
Track your baby's development with our week-by-week expert tips on pregnancy.
Frequently Asked Questions
When you are 9 weeks pregnant, you are 2 months pregnant and you enter the 3rd month of the pregnancy. The gestational age of your fetus at 9 weeks is 7 weeks and its now 6 months more to go.