Third Trimester of Pregnancy: 28-40 Weeks of Pregnancy
You’ve reached the final stretch. (Literally!) The third trimester is the most exciting and suspenseful trimester of pregnancy — the climax of which is taking your sweet baby home. Take your time planning for the birth and what comes afterward, and enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy.
Your Baby’s Development in the Third Trimester
In the third trimester of pregnancy, your baby continues to grow, doubling in size during the last seven weeks. By the end of week 32, your little one may weigh about 1.7 Kg and be about 28 cm long, but by the time she's born, she may weigh about 3.4 Kg. As your little one develops fat under her skin, she starts to look like the baby you expect to see at birth. By week 34, she will have done such a good job of growing that she won’t have much room to move throughout the rest of the pregnancy.
She’s getting ready to meet you in so many other ways. Her eyelids are no longer fused, which means she can open and close them regularly. She develops the ability to see and hear, and she’ll react to stimuli, such as the lights and sounds of the outside world. She’ll even be able to recognize your voice.
She'll also begin to develop a sleep-wake cycle, and you may start to be aware of when she's awake and moving and when she's asleep and quiet. You may also notice periods of rhythmic movement that probably mean she has the hiccups.
In the third trimester, your baby now begins to suck her thumb or make sucking movements with her mouth, so that she'll already have learned how to nurse by the time she's born.
Sometime during the 9th month of pregnancy, she will probably settle into the head down position, and “drop” more deeply into your pelvis in preparation for birth.
What You Can Expect in the Third Trimester
Although the third trimester weeks are commonly considered to be weeks 28 to 40, the duration of pregnancy varies from woman to woman. In fact, very few women give birth on their exact due date. Keep in mind that you could go into labor anytime, but most likely between weeks 38 to 42.
You'll probably discover positives and negatives about the final months of pregnancy. The negatives are the physical discomforts you’re likely experiencing, most of them due to the increasing size and weight of your baby.
Two of the most common pregnancy symptoms during this trimester are breathlessness and digestion problems. These ailments will most likely go away right after the birth, but there are measures you can take to help yourself feel more comfortable:
Shortness of Breath during third trimester of Pregnancy
Because your uterus is getting larger, growing higher in your abdomen, and pressing on your diaphragm, breathing can become more difficult. You might find that you can't make it up a flight of stairs without being winded. The best thing to do is simply take it easy, and try not to become overheated. Some women have problems breathing when they lie down, too. If this is the case, try sleeping in a semi-sitting position, surrounded by pillows for support. Nearly all shortness of breath during the last trimester is normal, but if you are concerned, talk to your healthcare provider. Once your baby “drops,” breathing will be a little easier, although you may feel more pressure on your lower abdomen and pelvis.
Heartburn and Indigestion during third trimester of Pregnancy
These two, related stomach ailments can occur during pregnancy, often in the third trimester, because the entire gastrointestinal system slows down when you are carrying a baby. As a result, the muscles of the stomach and esophagus (the tube leading from the mouth to the stomach) relax. This allows digestive acids, which normally stay in your stomach, to go backward, up into your esophagus and mouth. The acids give you a burning feeling in your throat. You're then left with an awful taste of old food and stomach acids in your mouth, and that's known as indigestion. To help prevent heartburn and indigestion, try to eat small, frequent meals, snack between meals, and avoid fatty foods. Stay upright after you eat, and don't have a meal right before going to sleep. You can chew gum to help take away any bitter taste in your mouth, but don't take any over-the-counter products, like antacids, without first checking with your healthcare provider.
You might experience a range of other third trimester pregnancy symptoms such as leg cramps, feeling unstable on your feet, backaches, fatigue, wrist pain, and itchy skin. Many pregnant women also get stretch marks around their belly, breasts, and thighs, though these generally fade with time. Many moms-to-be notice swelling (also called edema) in their ankles and feet because of extra fluids in their body. Elevating your legs whenever you can will help relieve this swelling.
Emotionally, you may find that you're getting downright impatient with this pregnancy. You want your baby in your arms, not in your uterus any longer. The good news is, starting at week 37, the baby is considered “full term” and ready to arrive. Become informed about the signs of labor so you'll recognize when it's happening and when it’s time to go to the hospital. Before you know it, you’ll be holding your baby in your arms.
Third Trimester Checklist
In the third trimester, take advantage of your excitement, and focus your energy on getting your pre-birth tasks done. This checklist will help you with your preparations as you count down the final few months of your pregnancy.
Three Months Out in your Third trimester of Pregnancy
Take a childbirth class with your husband. You’ll learn comfort measures and stretching exercises. These courses often suggest relaxation techniques and tools, such as visual imagery and music, which will help you remain calm and focused on the task ahead. These classes will also help your husband learn about his important role, and how he can get more involved.
Read as much information as you can about labor, delivery, and baby care. This will help ease your anxieties and prepare you for the events ahead.
Purchase and install your baby car seat, so it’s ready for the drive home from the hospital.
Make sure your baby registry is ready well before your baby shower.
Start gathering suggestions for pediatricians.
Stock up on household staples and supplies, so that you don’t have to do any major shopping just before labor or in those first few weeks with your baby.
Pre-register at the hospital or birth center.
If you’d like to have a birth plan, discuss your options and preferences with your healthcare provider regarding labor and delivery. Read up on comfort measures during labor for some ideas on what you might like to include in your plan.
Gather some options for childcare, so that you have this information ready once your baby is here.
Help your baby shower host with any final preparations or follow-ups.
Choose or start designing your birth announcement. Ideally, get it far enough along so that all you have left to do is fill out the date of birth and name, and add a picture.
Get serious about settling on a baby name, or find some final name choices.
Pick up some tips on how to sleep better during the third trimester. Sleeping on your side and using pillows to support your upper leg and your back might help. Napping during the day will also help you stay as rested as possible.
Two Months Out in your Third trimester of Pregnancy
Take another class – for example, try one about baby care, infant CPR, or breastfeeding.
Finish planning and decorating your baby’s nursery.
Stock up on diapers. Pampers Premium Care they’re the #1 choice of pediatricians*. It’s a good idea to have a variety of diaper sizes (such as sizes 0, 1, and 2) ready so you’re equipped for when your baby arrives and for those initial growth spurts.
Make sure you have soft baby wipes, which you’ll need for cleaning your baby during each diaper change.
Think about who you want to be there at the birth, and who you could ask to help out after the birth.
Keep going to all your prenatal appointments, so that your physician can follow your progress and your baby's as you approach your due date. From around week 32, your healthcare provider might want to see you more often. Knowing that all is well will help you relax and enjoy the last few weeks of being pregnant.
If it’s possible, tour your hospital or birth center.
Plan, practice, and time the route you’ll take to the hospital or birth center.
Start writing thank you notes for baby shower gifts you’ve received.
One Month Out in your Third trimester of Pregnancy
Consult our hospital bag checklist, and get that bag packed so that it’s ready to go.
Wash everything your baby will wear.
Prepare some meals and stock your freezer.
Now that you know all about the third trimester, you’re better prepared for these last few months of pregnancy, for childbirth, and for those exciting first few weeks with your new baby. There’s just one last box to check: slow down, and make fewer demands on yourself. Whenever you can, treat yourself to a little me-time — it could be a long time before you get another chance!
Get week-by-week expert tips on pregnancy to keep track of your baby’s development & to ensure well-being of both you & your baby during entire nine months journey!
* Survey in International Pediatric Medical Congress, United Arab Emirates, 11/2016
* Survey in Pediatric Conference in Madinah, Saudi Arabia, 11/2016