Second Trimester of Pregnancy: 14-27 Weeks of Pregnancy
For many moms-to-be, the second trimester is the most enjoyable and comfortable phase of pregnancy. The morning sickness has probably gone, and you don’t have the physical discomfort of a huge belly and extra baby weight yet. A few discomforts can occur, however. The most common second trimester offenders are constipation, hemorrhoids, and round ligament pain.
Meanwhile, your little one continues to grow and develop, and if you're like many pregnant women, you might be lucky and have a bit more energy during weeks 14 to 27.
Your Baby’s Development in the Second Trimester
In the second trimester of pregnancy, development continues upon the foundation set in the first trimester. During this trimester, your little one goes from being the size of a nectarine to that of a cauliflower, and this growth spurt becomes more visible as your belly grows and more tangible as you start to feel movement in the second trimester.
Each week of the second trimester of pregnancy will bring something new. In week 14, for example, your little one will start practicing sucking and swallowing motions (maybe even sucking that little thumb at this early stage), and facial features like eyes and ears will start to take up their normal positions. In the sixth month of pregnancy, your little one's heartbeat will be loud enough to hear through a stethoscope; he’ll start to develop a sleep-wake cycle and might even find a preferred sleeping position. His ears will be developed enough that he can hear, so feel free to sing or read to him.
What You Can Expect in the Second Trimester
Many exciting things happen in the second trimester weeks. At some point, for example, you’ll begin showing that beautiful baby bump. Another big second trimester pregnancy milestone you may experience is feeling your little one move for the first time. During weeks 20 to 27, you’ll probably notice that your baby is quite active. That’s because he still has plenty of room in your belly to try somersaults before it gets a little cramped during the final trimester.
Along with unsolicited advice from strangers, you may encounter some second trimester symptoms as well. These could include feeling out of breath, dizzy spells, backaches, high blood pressure, constipation, hemorrhoids, round ligament pain, and trouble sleeping. We've described a few of the most common pregnancy symptoms that often occur during this trimester in more detail below, along with some helpful tips:
Combating Constipation during Second Trimester of Pregnancy:
The shift in hormones during pregnancy decreases the activity of your gastrointestinal tract. Also, as the baby grows, he pushes into your large intestine. All this can lead to constipation. Luckily, slight changes in your diet can help get things moving, so drink plenty of water, and eat more fiber (such as prunes, bran cereal, and salads). Exercise each day. Take into account your fitness level and how you are feeling, but remember, even a 15-minute walk will help improve blood circulation and strengthen your muscles. Don't take an over-the-counter laxative without checking with your healthcare provider first. Get pregnancy diet tips for healthy diet.
Help for Hemorrhoids during Second Trimester of Pregnancy:
Hemorrhoids, enlarged veins in the rectum, commonly develop during pregnancy because of the increased pressure in that area. Because hemorrhoids tend to get worse as the baby gets bigger, treating them at the first sign of discomfort can help keep them under control later on. Avoid standing for long periods of time, and try warm baths to help relieve the pain. Preventing constipation is important because the less you need to strain to pass a bowel movement (and the softer your stools), the better. If nothing works, ask your healthcare provider about medication.
Round Ligament Pain during Second Trimester of Pregnancy:
If you experience pain or cramping in your groin area, chances are it's the result of round ligament pain. As the uterus grows, the ligaments that hold it in place in your abdomen have to stretch, and this stretching can cause pain. Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do to ease round ligament pain, but if the pain becomes intense, contact your healthcare provider. Groin or abdominal pain during pregnancy can also be a sign of a possible complication, so your physician will need to rule out anything serious.
What to Keep in Mind for the Second Trimester
At around the halfway mark — week 20 — you'll probably have an ultrasound scan to check the health of the baby and to confirm your due date. Spoiler alert: if you want to, you can also find out your baby’s gender during this scan.
Continuing your healthy pregnancy diet is important in the second trimester. With any luck, your healthy appetite will have returned, but you shouldn’t actually “eat for two.”
Use your extra energy by beginning or continuing your exercise routine. Check with your doctor first, but walking, swimming, and some prenatal yoga can be good pregnancy exercise options.
Once you know whether you’re expecting a boy or a girl (or even before then), you can start buying baby clothes and decorating your nursery. You’ll also be able to start thinking about baby names, which is where the Pampers Baby Name Generator can help. Have fun with all the preparations.
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